Where the Hay Have You Been?

Kismet Games had a big win as of December when our excellent editor, Tim Gray, finished final corrections on Rustwater and then Wayne completed the layout (a HUGE endeavor, if you’ve never done it). Wayne also attended the Indie RPG online convention spearheaded by Goodman Games. We learned some…interesting things.

  1. Printing is complex.

  2. Distribution is worse than Dante’s inferno.

  3. Neither of us know much about what the process is once the game is written.

So, we are waiting until we get some more Kickstarter and web publishing experience until we launch a printed, distributed product. But never fear, we have some enticements! For Rustwater, our Quickstart is in final play testing. This is a self-contained product with rules, a full-length adventure, and ready-to-play PCs. Is Vaesen more your style? Wayne is putting the finishing touches The Invading Wood, a terrific adventure set in the wilds of Norway.

If you’re interested in being a play tester, please reach out to us via email or Discord, and we’ll get you signed up and ready.


Ideas, I get ideas…


How Now, Clio?